Avian Immune System
by Ronald H. Henson

Certain special foods are not only highly nutritious, but provide powerful therapeutic effects as well. These include: Spirulina, a microscopic aquatic green plant, Lactobacillus and Bifidus probiotics, the "good bacteria" and Organic Wheat Grass. While antibiotics kill germs after an infection has started, these special foods prevent it from occurring in the first place. They form a barrier against disease causing germs such as E. coli and Candida. They do this by protecting the digestive tract and creating a higher level of activity within the cellular immune system, and also enable a damaged immune system to repair itself. What should you know about recent scientific research concerning these special foods?

Spirulina: The microscopic aquatic vegetable, Spirulina platensis, is one of the very few edible microalgae. Amazingly nutritious, it is 62 amino acids, is the richest source of Vitamin B 12 and beta carotene (twenty times that of carrots). Spirulina sustains huge flocks of Flamingo in super alkaline East African lakes. It is a traditional food of Mexican and African peoples since prehistoric
times and is approved by the US FDA as a food for humans.

In 1979, Russian scientists reported that small amounts of either whole cell Spirulina or its extracts prevented Yersinia (the germ that causes Bubonic plague) infection. This Gram negative bacterium is a deadly one in man and animals. It can overwhelm the body by inducing an immune deficiency and then death by sepsis. Animals supplied with Spirulina developed immune systems so strong that the immune deficiency was reversed. The Yersinia bacteria were quickly destroyed by white blood cells. No harmful effects were observed.

In 1989, Professor Ernest Ross of the University of Hawaii, and Warren Dominy of the Oceanic Institute reported that small amounts of Spirulina cause fertility in quail to go up to very high levels (96.1 ), much higher than quail on the standard breeder diet.

Spirulina was approved in Russia in 1994 as a medicine food because it is extremely effective for treating radiation sickness. Children in the Chernobyl region suffer from radiation poisoning. Radiation severely damaged their immune systems. Children who ate just a few tablets each day made dramatic recoveries. Their immune systems recovered to normal within six weeks, while children not given Spirulina remained ill.

Several studies now appearing in scientific literature show that feeding Spirulina to birds accelerates the killing of E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus by the cellular immune system, improves macrophage function, antibody production and T cell function.

Why is this important?
Baby birds are protected from infection after hatching by antibodies in egg yolk. Antibodies are a kind of molecular ID tag that mark germs for destruction by killer cells. They are produced by means of a complex network of white blood cells known as macrophages, T cells and B cells. These antibodies from the egg yolk are soon used up as the baby is exposed to germs in the outside world. This leaves the young chick vulnerable to infection unless it is able to build its own antibodies quickly. Spirulina accelerates the building of the cellular immune system, enabling it to better respond to antibody production and protect against invading germs.

Proof of this was presented at a recent avian disease conference hosted by the University of California Davis, in Sacramento California. Researchers revealed data showing that Spirulina greatly strengthened avian resistance to infection. Spirulina enhanced antigen processing by macrophages, resulting in higher levels of antibody, larger Thymus glands and greater T cell function. Birds were protected from infection with the anti biotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli.


While Spirulina is very nutritious, containing all the essential amino acids, it is also rich in anti inflammatory GLA fatty acid and Vitamin B 12. However, two unique natural substances are thought to super charge the immune system.

The first is the blue protein in Spirulina, Phycocyanin, found only in blue green algae. Phycocyanin acts as erythropoetin, (EPO). EPO is the hormone that regulates the bone marrow cells that produce white blood cells. Phycocyanin stimulates the immature or damaged immune system to grow or to repair itself when injured by infection, toxic chemicals, or radiation.

Scientists also found a Polysaccharide (a complex sugar molecule) unique to Spirulina. Spirulina Polysaccharide acts in a similar manner as Phycocyanin, but is highly potent and activates macrophages (the primary white blood cell in vertebrate animals) to rally the immune system to detect and
destroy foreign microbes, eliminate toxins and enhance antibody levels, improve Thymus gland function, increase antibody levels and normalize other cellular functions. This has not escaped the attention of several groups in the USA studying ways of treating HIV infection and AIDS. Studies are now underway at major institutions and early results show promise.

Spirulina is much different from wild algae found in lakes. It is grown by scientists and highly trained technicians in clean controlled conditions for human food. Wild algae are like wild mushrooms; they are not reliable or safe. Always obtain Spirulina and other foods from a reliable source.

What does all this mean for those concerned with keeping exotic birds healthy? Breeders of exotic birds report that fertility and hatchability improve. Birds have less sickness and health problems. Feather quality, color and general well-being is enhanced. Veterinarians observe that infections quickly respond to treatment and wound healing improves.

Lactobacillus and Bifidus: How do these friendly bacteria prevent disease? They convert certain sugars to lactic acid and other good substances. These by-products are not only used by birds as
nutrients, they also lower the pH in the GI tract. This slight change in chemistry kills harmful microbes like E. coli and Candida. Harmful germs enjoy a medium pH and die out in the slightly acidic conditions caused by Lactobacillus and Bifidus. These bacteria crowd out the bad germs by overwhelming them with sheer numbers.

While mammals respond well to Lactobacillus and Bifidus when fed a source of milk sugar, usually in the form of milk or whey, birds do not their digestive lacks the proper enzymes for digesting milk. While Lactobacillus and Bifidus can digest milk, they prefer complex sugars called fructooligosaccharides, (FOS). Sources of FOS are Banana or Jerusalem Artichoke, part of the Sunflower family.

When shopping for a probiotic for birds, be sure to use one that is non dairy and has a FOS sugar as food for the good bacteria. Jerusalem Artichoke flour is a preferred source of FOS . It will not promote growth of harmful germs or cause diarrhea, while milk will. Lactobacillus and Bifidus are sold as eithera liquid culture or freeze dried ones.

Wheat Grass: This cereal grass is specially grown on the fertile plains of Nebraska for human food. It is the tender young shoots of winter wheat preserved by freeze drying, making excellent supplements for baby parrots. Similar in nutrition to sprouted grains, it contains higher levels of phytonutrients like chlorophyll and beta carotene and more minerals. Cereal grasses contribute to a healthier GI tract because of the "honeycomb" structure of the fiber. This structure provides many
attachment sites for the good bacteria, resulting in increased populations. This, in turn, improves the ability of the good bacteria to push out the bad germs, resulting in a healthier bird.

In Conclusion: While no food or drug can eliminate all disease, the above mentioned special foods produce birds that are healthier, naturally, without antibiotics, drugs or chemicals. Spirulina, Wheat Grass, Lactobacillus and Bifidus naturally reduce disease by promoting a healthy digestive tract. Spirulina supercharges the immune system for better disease resistance and increased fertility.