Colloidal Silver
What is Colloidal Silver?

Silver is said to be a powerful, natural prophylactic/antibiotic, used for thousands of years. Ancient Greeks lined their eating and drinking vessels with silver, as did many other cultures throughout the world. Pioneers of the American West would put a silver dollar in a jug of milk to keep it fresh without refrigeration. Did you ever wonder why silverware was made from silver? One of the properties of silver is that it kills certain bacteria on contact in six minutes or less.

At the turn of the century, scientists had discovered that the body's most important fluids are colloidal in nature; suspended ultra-fine particles. Blood, for example, carries nutrition and oxygen to the body cells. This led to studies with Colloidal Silver. Prior to 1938, Colloidal Silver was used by physicians as a mainstream antibiotic treatment and was considered quite "high-tech."

In the early 1900's an antibacterial solution called Colloidal Silver became the choice of medical practitioners. It proved to be enormously effective against infectious organisms and extremely safe to use, without the negative side effects associated with drugs. But Colloidal Silver became increasingly expensive and the pharmaceutical companies developed antibiotics as we know them today. Silver took a back seat. However, as usual, as we deviate from nature, unforeseen problems develop. Forty years after the advent of antibiotics, many types of disease-causing organisms had built an immunity to pharmaceutical antibiotics. Over the years the medical establishment has reported on the new strains of "Super Bugs" that cannot be destroyed by antibiotics. Newsweek Magazine reported in March 28, 1994 that in 1992, 13,000 hospital patients died of infections that resisted every drug doctors tried. Also a well known fact is the detrimental effect of antibiotics on the naturally occurring flora in the colon. Colloidal Silver does not disturb this very necessary environment.

How Colloidal Silver Works

The presence of Colloidal Silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different from the enzymes of primative single-celled life. Thus Colloidal Silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, pets, plants and all multi-celled living matter. Colloidal Silver is the result of an electro-magnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from a larger piece of silver into a liquid, such as water. These microscopic particles can more easily penetrate and travel throughout the body. Colloidal Silver works as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that all one- celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use for their oxygen metabolism. In short, the bad guys suffocate. Unlike with antibiotics, resistant strains have never been known to develop. In addition to human usage, Colloidal Silver has veterinary uses, such as for canine parvo virus. You'll also find Colloidal Silver very handy in the garden since it can be used against bacterial, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted Colloidal Silver on the leaves, and add to soil water.

Colloidal Silver is available
from Dragonflight -
to order e-mail
[email protected]
I use colloidal silver that I make on all the animals and myself. When I first heard about it I was of course rather sceptical but since then have become used to reaching for it first to help with any 'ills'.

One of the cats arrived home after a week of having gone bush. She was sneezing and showing all the signs of 'flu'. Colloidal silver dropped on her food for 4 days and all signs were gone.

A new kitten - conjunctivitis cleared in 3 days with one drop of colloidal silver administered every morning.

Topical Uses

Colloidal Silver is painless on cuts, burns, acne, abrasions, in open wounds, in the nostrils for a stuffy nose, and even in a body's eyes because, unlike antiseptics, it does not destroy tissue cells. A silver compound known as silver sulfadiazine has been used in many of the burn centres in the U.S.

The colloid can be administered either neat, or diluted with water depending on the purpose for which it is intended. Although the use of colloidal silver for the treatment of avian ailments is in its infancy in this country, it is becoming increasingly popular amongst birdkeepers in the USA. Many of the symptoms and dosages detailed here have been gleaned from these sources. Because colloidal silver works as a catalyst not a chemical and does not interact with other medication or organ function and there are no ill effects recorded when using the substance in humans, animals or birds, dosages are not critical.

Undefined illness:
i.e., bird fluffed up, usually resting on cage floor etc.
Dosage (At 10 parts per million (PPM)) orally by dropper or syringe Small Birds approx. 117 grams bodyweight, 1/4ml neat solution 3 times daily for 7 days. Dosages may be adjusted up or down as the situation requires.

Eye and Ear Infections: All animals and Birds.

1 - 4 drops depending on size. Should clear up in 24 hours.

Conjunctivitis: One drop of neat solution in the eye for 2 days.

Sinus: Use a syringe to inject colloidal silver through the nostril openings into the sinus. Dosage 1 drop for finches to 1ml twice daily until infection clears. The latter dosage is for larger birds such as Amazons and Macaws. Cuts, scrapes, cracks: Clean the area thoroughly with the neat solution. Re-apply daily until the wound completely heals.

New Birds (Quarantine):
1ml neat solution per day given orally by dropper or syringe for large birds. Repeat for 7 days. For smaller birds (Finches & Budgerigars etc) 1 drop per day for 7days. The solution can be mixed with the drinking water at a ratio of 1ml to 100mls, all sizes of bird.

I myself take 40 ml. morning and night at the first signs of a cold or flu.I also use it on cuts and the occasional 'bites' that I end up with. Time for healing is greatly improved and infection is conteracted with it's use.

I store my colloidal silver in a dark coloured glass bottle as it is light sensitive. Room temperature, closed cupboard. Use it from glass or pottery, never metal as metal can be conteractive to it's beneficial qualities. I will use plastic if I have to for administering it. e.g. plastic food & water dispensers for the birds if nothing else is available.

- Helpful Tip -

If you've got a cranky cat that you can't get to take it's dose or one that doesn't seem to drink much, try using a spray bottle and spray the fur with a good dose. The first thing it'll do (after glaring at you and running away) is lick itself dry!

This information on collodial silver is simply a collection of information from the public domain, and presented strictly for information and educational use only. Information conveyed herein is based on pharmacological and other records both ancient and modern. No claims whatsoever can be made as to specific benefits accruing from the use of collodial silver.